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Mindustry Assets#

The mindustryAssets extension allows you to configure assets, including sprites, bundles, shaders, sounds and anything you want to add into your mod.

Assume your project has this structure:

├─ assets/
│  ├─ bundles/
│  ├─ sprites/
├─ src/
│  ├─ example/
│  │  ├─
├─ build.gradle

Simple usage#


In most cases, you can just simply copy all files recursively from the assets root folder into the jar task with this syntax:

mindustryAssets {
    rootAt "$projectDir/assets"
import io.github.liplum.mindustry.*
mindustryAssets {
    root at "$projectDir/assets"


MGPP will automatically search for it by paths mentioned below orderly:

  1. projectDir/icon.png
  2. rootDir/icon.png

Also, you can configure it to any file/path your want.

mindustryAssets {
    iconAt "$rootDir/icon.png"
import io.github.liplum.mindustry.*
mindustryAssets {
    icon at "$rootDir/icon.png"

Advanced usage#

MGPP provides AssetBatchType and AssetBatch for generating resource class, named conventionally.

Due to rare use cases, please check its specific page for more information.