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MGPP provides two useful tasks for deployment on Android, dexJar and deploy, but they only work when java plugin is enabled.

The deploy{} closure is inside of mindustry{} closure hereinafter.

Related tasks: jar, dexJar, deploy

Deployment Jar#

The deploy task will output the deployment jar, which contains classes.dex and your stuffs

Destination Directory#

As default, deploy task outputs into its temporary directory, buildDir/tmp/deploy.

You can customize its destination to fit your CI, vice versa.


The name of deployment jar is in the pattern of baseName-version-classifier.jar

Default values:

  • baseName: name in your mod meta
  • version: version in your mod meta
  • classifier: empty
deploy {
    baseName = 'ExampleMod'
    version = '1.0'
    classifer = ''        
deploy {
    baseName = "ExampleMod"
    version = "1.0"
    classifer = ""

Enable fat jar#

Whether to make a fat jar, which contains all dependencies from classpath, in the jar task.

It's useful when you utilize other library or make a Kotlin mod.

  • fatJar: To enable fat jar.
  • noFatJar: To disable fat jar.
deploy {
    // OR
deploy {
    // OR

MGPP will apply fatJar as default.

Android SDK#

You can configure the location of Android SDK, but mgpp doesn't recommend you to do that.

MGPP will automatically search for Android SDK in order of the environment variables mentioned below:

deploy {
    androidSdkRoot = 'D:/AnroidSDK'
deploy {
    androidSdkRoot = "D:/AnroidSDK"