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Welcome to MGPP#

Gradle Plugin Portal Discord

MGPP is an unofficial gradle plugin for Mindustry modding.

It provides lots of functionalities for you to develop a mod or plugin.


  • Manage the Dependencies

    Importing the dependencies of arc and Mindustry automatically with configuration.

  • Download the Game

    Downloading any version of Mindustry easily.

  • Debug your Mod

    Being able to debug your mod and Mindustry with an IDE, such as IntelliJ IDEA.

  • Work with Other Mods

    Starting the game with your mod and others to test the compatibility or interaction.

  • Separate Working Space

    The configurable data directory of Mindustry Client located in a temporary folder as default to separate the environments of your all projects.

  • Manage your Assets

    Assets will be copied into the output jar file with configuration.

  • Generate Resource Class

    A class with references of assets to reduce boilerplate codes.

  • Deploy on Android

    Deploy your mod compatible to Mindustry on Android. [Android SDK Required]

More Info#

You can access the repository on GitHub to obtain more information.

Also, there is a JavaDoc page for you to check up the API of mgpp.

If you face any issue with mgpp, please contact us on Issue Report page.

Join our Discord server to send us feedback or get help immediately.

Welcome to contribute mgpp!

My name?#

MGPP means Mindustry Gradle Plugin, named Plumy (ฅ՞• •՞ฅ)!

by Liplum