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Mindustry Extension#

The mindustry extension allows you to configure the mod.[h]json, dependency, run, deploy and so on.


It has separated all configurations as mentioned below.

Project type#

MGPP supports 2 types of project: Mod, Plugin.

mindustry {
    projectType = Mod
    // OR
    projectType = Plugin
import io.github.liplum.mindustry.*
mindustry {
    projectType = Mod
    // OR
    projectType = Plugin

It will affect the Dependency Resolution.

  • Mod: Import all modules from Mindustry and Arc, including core, desktop and server.
  • Plugin: Only import core and server module.

Out of date time#

It represents how much time the latest check will restart. Unit: second

mindustry {
    outOfDateTime = 60 * 60 // 60 minutes
mindustry {
    outOfDateTime = 60 * 60 // 60 minutes

Mod library#

It's for anu library for Mindustry modding that benefits from MGPP.

If isLib is true, the task jar won't contain something included in a normal mod project.

  • mod.hjson
  • icon.png
mindustry {
    isLib = true
mindustry {
    isLib = true

Mod meta#

It represents the mod.[h]json file of your mod. MGPP will automatically search for it by paths mentioned below orderly:

  1. projectDir/mod.hjson
  2. projectDir/mod.json
  3. rootDir/mod.hjson
  4. rootDir/mod.json

Every key in the mod meta corresponds to every key in mod.[h]json file.

You can append customized mod meta into the existed one, however, it only affects the output jar file. Thus, you could manipulate it internally in build script.

mindustry {
    meta << ModMeta(
        name: 'test-name',
        displayName: 'Test Display Name',
        author: 'yourself',
        description: '...',
        subtitle: '...',
        version: '1.0',
        main: 'org.example.ExampleMod',
        minGameVersion: '136',
        repo: 'PlumyGames/mgpp',
        dependencies: ['plumy/mgpp'],
        hidden: false,
        java: true,
        keepOutline: false,
mindustry {
    meta += ModMeta(
        name = "test-name",
        displayName = "Test Display Name",
        author = "yourself",
        description = "...",
        subtitle = "...",
        version = "1.0",
        main = "org.example.ExampleMod",
        minGameVersion = "136",
        repo = "PlumyGames/mgpp",
        dependencies = listOf("plumy/mgpp"),
        hidden = false,
        java = true,
        keepOutline = false,

Note: Some of them only exist in higher version of Mindustry.